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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Cultural, Social and Political Institutions
Kinship, marriage, and the household
a. Kinship by blood Descent and marriage (unilineal, matrilineal, patrilineal, bilateral)
b. Kinship by marriage Marriage rules cross-culturally (Monogamy vs. Polygamy, post-marital residency rules, referred marriage partners)
c. Kinship by ritual
d. Family and the household
e. Nuclear, extended, and reconstituted families
f. Politics of kinship (political dynasty, alliances)
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Cultural, social, and political institution as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests
social stratification as the ranking of individuals according to wealth, power, and prestige
Social and political inequalities as features of societies and the global community
Learning Competency:
Define a family
What are the different types of family
Trace kinship ties and social networks
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials are to discuss the relationship between the family and the society. It raises awareness among students about the importance or relevance of a family in the society. Moreover, students are expected to be knowledgeable of some certain elements of a family.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
E-learning materials are used to discuss types of kinship in the world. Students are expected to differentiate the different kinds of kinship by learning its uniqueness and form. Moreover, students are expected to describe kinship forms by looking at their cultures.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
E-learning materials focus on discussing different kinds of practices per kinship. It discusses the kin’s norms and deviant behavior. Students are expected to know how individuals conform to the rules of the kin and also to learn about deviant behavior in the kin specifically about taboo. These materials will make students think about the uniqueness of every kinship through their practices.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials are focused on the application of Kinship in the modern age or times. It describes some liberal practices the families have. Moreover, students would learn more about new and modern practices of families in the Philippines and also in the global setting.
E-learning Tools or Resources
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