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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Economic Institutions
a. Reciprocity
b. Transfers
c. Redistribution
d. Market Transactions
e. Market and state
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests
Social stratification as the ranking of individuals according to wealth, power, and prestige
Social and political inequalities as features of societies and the global community
Learning Competency:
Describe the economic institution
Analyze the economic institution and its impacts on the lives of people in society
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials are to discuss the importance of studying economics in our society. Moreover, students will raise awareness and motivation of studying economics as part of the social sciences. Students also are expected to have a background or basic knowledge on what is the impact of studying economics in relation to the society.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
E-learning materials are used to discuss different theories concerning economics and sociology. Both fields are important to explain how people interact when it comes to market relations. Students are expected to learn from these theories and apply it in real life situations.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
E-learning materials focus on discussing and describing economic institutions. Using these materials, students are expected to analyze the economic institution and its impacts on the lives of people in the society. Also, concepts such as reciprocity, transfer, redistribution, loans, and etc. are to be discussed in the lesson proper.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials are focused on the application of economic institutions in the modern world. It discusses some social issues and constructs when it comes to the processes and system of certain economic institutions around the world.
E-learning Tools or Resources
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