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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Looking back at Human Biocultural and Social Evolution
Biological and cultural evolution: from Homo habilis (or earlier) to Homo sapiens sapiens in the fossil record
Cultural and sociopolitical evolution: from hunting and gathering to the agricultural, industrial, and post-industrial revolutions
The Neolithic Revolution
Early civilization and the rise of the state
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The human origins and the capacity for culture
The role of culture in human adaption
Process of cultural and sociopolitical evolution
Learning Competency:
Trace the biological and cultural evolution of early to modern humans
Explore the significance of human material remains and artificial evidence in interpreting cultural and social, including political and economic process
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
E-learning materials are to motivate and activate the curiosity of students about different theories of evolution. Students are given a debate on whether evolutionist or creationist perspective is real. Moreover, discussions about the theory of evolution would make the students understand historical basis on how humans started.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials were chosen to make students knowledgeable about the origins of human beings. Anthropological explanations about the origins of humans are discussed. The evolution to homo sapiens sapiens is to be talked about during class. In addition, students are expected to understand how humans evolve through time.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
E-learning materials focus on the historical analysis on the world’s civilizations. It discusses the society and culture of the early civilizations to medieval civilizations. Students are expected to do an analysis on the development and evolution of societies from time to time. Also, students are taught to differentiate one civilization from the other.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials used are to discuss the application of politics in a civilization. It discusses the relevance of political systems in the development of a certain civilization. Historical analyses about political organizations are discussed in these e-learning materials. Also, application of these systems to the current society makes students understand what is happening to our present day politics.
E-learning Tools or Resources
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