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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
New challenges to Human Adaptation and Social Change
1. Global warming and climate change
2. Transnational migration and Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
evaluates factors causing social, political, and cultural change
advocate how human societies should adapt to such changes
Learning Competency:
describe how human societies adapt to new challenges in the physical, social, and cultural environment
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
The e-learning resources presented in this part of the lesson will discuss some of the changes that are occurring in society that are quite challenging to human adaptation. These will mainly introduce the concept of climate change and transnational migration. Generally, the resources presented in this part of the lesson aims to prepare students for the upcoming discussions with regards to new challenges to human adaptation and social change.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
These e-learning resources will talk about climate change and transnational migration. The effects of global warming and climate change on individuals and society as a whole will be discussed, as well as its causes. In addition to this, some of the materials presented here will also discuss the nature of transnational migration, its causes and effects.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
These e-learning resources aims to open up discussions with regards to new challenges to human adaptation and social change. Global warming and climate change will be further discussed in these materials such as how it can be addressed and/or adapted to. Transnational migration and how we can address it will also be discuss.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
The materials shown in this part of the lesson will be used to ensure that the students learned about some of the new challenges to human adaptation and social change.Some of these e-learning resources can also help encourage students to find out more about climate change and transnational migration and how people can address and or adapt to these phenomena. In addition to this, some of the materials can also help students get interested in knowing more about other challenges to human adaptation and social change.
E-learning Tools or Resources
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