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Tämä sivusto on suunniteltu -verkkosivuston rakentajalla. Luo verkkosivustosi tänään.Aloita
Starting Points for the Understanding of Culture, Society, and Politics
Sharing of social and cultural backgrounds of students as acting subjects or social actors, agents, persons
Observations about social, political, and cultural behavior and phenomena
Observations on social, political, and cultural change
Definition of anthropology, political science, and sociology
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities
The significance of studying culture, society, and politics
The rationale for studying anthropology, political science, and sociology
Learning Competency:
Articulate observations on human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities
Demonstrates curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture and society, and political identities
Analyze social, political, and cultural change
Recognize the common concerns or intersections of anthropology, sociology, and political science with respect to the phenomenon of change
Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology.
E-learning Tools or Resources
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Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials for the Learning Performance element discuss the application of social science disciplines to current global and local issues. Moreover, students are expected to explain social phenomena in different lenses using their understanding about society, culture, and politics.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Materials for starting activities discuss a short introduction about learning different concepts such as society, culture, and politics. Moreover, materials and resources give a short overview of anthropology, sociology, and political science. Giving an overview of these disciplines would make students understand the interplay of society, culture, and politics.
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
Resources and materials were chosen to motivate and activate the awareness of students of historical and current situations of social differences. Variations in terms of gender, ethnicity, class, and religion are discussed in specific online materials. In these activities, students are expected to acquire consciousness about issues about hierarchy and stereotyping on particular social groups. Moreover, this consciousness should raise awareness and motivation among students to develop certain steps how to overcome these prejudices.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Short explanation on how to use these e learning materials:
The lesson proper materials discusses the importance of integrating the social sciences specifically sociology, anthropology, and political science. The discussion of transdisciplinary approaches to social science makes students analyze social constructs in an integrated way of thinking. Moreover, these materials can further motivate students to look at society, culture, and politics in different perspectives and lenses.
E-learning Tools or Resources
Filed Under: UCSP
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